london irish feminist network

We are self-defining feminists in London who also identify as having an Irish connection.

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‘Silenced Screams’ – London Protest at denial of Reproductive Rights to Women in Ireland

In August 2014, as a demonstration was about the denial of reproductive rights to Irish women over the past 40 years, was being planned, another story broke in the media, that of a woman named initially as ‘ Migrant x” and subsequently referred to as Ms Y. The woman had arrived in Ireland as a refugee claiming Asylum. On discovering that she was pregnant, she requested a termination. Her request was not met and she went on hunger strike and was judged to be suicidal and entitled to an abortion to save her life. Instead, she ended up being obliged to undergo a Caesarian section.   The video of the London demonstration, outside the Irish Embassy is here:  Silenced Screams, August 2014